Take some time for yourself, join us with Dorothe for this unique experience!
Our nervous system is wired to keep us alive, especially in adverse circumstances.
Without knowing and with almost no awareness thereof, we all create a persona (separate from our true self) we present to the world to keep our little selves safe. We organize our thinking, feeling, and behaviours in ways that worked for us decades ago, and with every repetition of these patterns and with the ‘successes of survival, we strengthen these neurological pathways. Our nervous system, our emotionality and even our bodies physically get shaped by our experiences and our patterns of survival. All this doesn’t happen on the level of the thinking mind but much deeper, in our autonomous nervous system and the older parts of our brain.
Gradually, our healthy instincts are disturbed. Instead of mobilizing energy, expressing, acting and dealing with situations and then re-regulating to end the stress response. Very often we get stuck in suppressed energy, emotions, a state of mobilization. Stuck in fight/flight/heal or freeze. We are unable to move healthily and fluidly between different states. Without recovery, our nervous system becomes stuck and reacts to incoming stressors with an excessive fight/flight/heal/freeze response.
Shame is often used as a coping strategy to dampen down our emotions. Although shame and a strong inner critic may inhibit some energy and emotions, it also shuts off all the healthy and appropriate emotions and energies that have a similar flavour. Suppressing anger for example also robs us from life force, healthy boundaries, power, strength, purpose, mastery. It can get us stuck in apathy, flatness, burn-out and depression.
Exercising and training our nervous system and the body mind to unlearn automatic responses like shut-down, freeze, dissociation, shame, suppression, denial, projection and opening to an authentic flow of energy and emotionality heals your nervous system and body mind and helps re-calibrate your complete system.